But I Don’t Suffer From Allergies?

But I Don’t Suffer From Allergies?

You’re not allergic, so you don't need hypoallergenic products, right?

Not exactly. 

While hypoallergenic products are designed specifically for those with sensitive skin or allergies they offer significant benefits for everyone. Even if you haven't experienced allergies or sensitivities yet, using hypoallergenic products can make a big difference in your skin's overall health. These gentle formulas can help prevent irritation, redness, and dryness, promoting a calmer, more balanced complexion. It's a win-win for everyone, regardless of skin type.

What are Hypoallergenic Products?

Hypoallergenic products are formulated to minimize the risk of irritation, redness, and dryness. This is because they typically exclude common skin irritants and allergens like fragrances, dyes, and harsh chemicals. Even if you don't currently experience allergies, these ingredients can still cause discomfort and disrupt your skin's natural balance.

Many products labeled as "hypoallergenic" may still contain ingredients that can irritate your skin. This is because the term "hypoallergenic" isn't strictly regulated in the US. VETTED Dermlab is different. 

Developed by dermatologists with over 30 years of experience, our products are formulated to be truly hypoallergenic. We go beyond the industry standard, carefully vetting and ethically sourcing ingredients to minimize the risk of irritation.

What we put in is as important as what we leave out. Our ingredients are expertly vetted by us to ensure that they are non-toxic, hypoallergenic AND ethically sourced. Every ingredient is carefully selected using the most up-to-date scientific evidence on efficacy, irritant, and allergenic potential.

Gold Standard

We put our products through rigorous testing. There are no reports of irritant or allergic reactions with repeat insult patch testing of our products. This is the industry's gold standard for safety testing - the Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT). The rigorous process involves repeated application of the product on human volunteers over several weeks. By monitoring for any irritation or allergic reactions, HRIPT helps ensure the product is safe for even the most sensitive skin.

Why HRIPT Matters

Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT) matters as it involves extensive testing. This allows us to go beyond simply labeling our products "hypoallergenic” (a term that is not regulated in the US).  HRIPT provides scientific backing for our commitment to creating gentle and safe formulas suitable for all skin types.

The Dirty Truth About Clean Skincare

The world of clean skincare might seem pure and natural, but the reality can be quite different.

Did you know one in five people develop skin allergies, and often the culprits are lurking in their everyday skincare products?

We've all been there – searching for that perfect routine, only to end up with irritation or worse. But there's good news: it doesn't have to be this way.

We’re on a mission to set a new industry standard. One that goes beneath the surface of “clean” to bring your best skin forward.

When it comes to our products, scientific data drives every single ingredient choice. When we looked at allergen prevalence data, rates of irritant reactions, or toxicity data, these ingredients didn't make the cut. Because what you leave out is as important as what you put into the formulation...and if it's not hypoallergenic, it's not clean.

You can see the full list of ingredients that we say “No!” to, on our “VETTED No, No List

The VETTED Dermlab Difference

In our opinion, everyone deserves safe and effective skincare that's good for them and good for the planet. We have developed a range of products, free of harsh chemicals, potential hormone disruptors, and common allergens that can trigger uncomfortable and long-lasting rashes.

The VETTED Dermlab Difference: 
Tailored Solutions for Every Skin

At VETTED Dermlab, we believe clean skincare shouldn't be a gamble. We understand that one size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to sensitive skin. That's why our board-certified dermatologists have developed a range of hypoallergenic products formulated with the gentlest yet most effective ingredients to address your unique skin concerns.

Worried about contact dermatitis flare-ups? Our fragrance-free and irritant-free formulas are designed to soothe and calm even the most reactive skin.

Seeking powerful anti-aging results? We offer science-backed solutions that deliver visible improvements without compromising on safety.

No matter your needs, VETTED Dermlab provides personalized solutions that prioritize both your skin's health and the environment. We go beyond "clean" to create truly hypoallergenic formulas that are safe and effective for everyone.

We’re on a mission to set a new industry standard. One that goes beneath the surface of “clean” to bring your best skin forward. It’s a skin-win! 

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