What does Hypoallergenic Mean?

What does Hypoallergenic Mean?

Hypoallergenic: Science-Backed Comfort for All Skin Types

When it comes to sensitive skin, "clean" often isn't enough. That's where VETTED Dermlab's commitment to hypoallergenic formulations comes in. Hypoallergenic products are specifically developed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and irritation. This translates to science-backed comfort for all skin types, but particularly those prone to sensitivities and conditions like contact dermatitis.

The Science Behind the Magic

Hypoallergenic formulas typically avoid common allergens and irritants found in many skincare products. These culprits can include fragrances, dyes, harsh chemicals, and certain preservatives. By meticulously selecting ingredients and undergoing rigorous testing like the Human Repeat Insult Patch Test (HRIPT), we ensure our products are gentle enough for even the most reactive skin.

The Dirty Truth About Clean Skincare

The world of clean skincare might seem pure and natural, but the reality can be quite different.

Did you know one in five people develop skin allergies, and often the culprits are lurking in their everyday skincare products?

We've all been there – searching for that perfect routine, only to end up with irritation or worse. But there's good news: it doesn't have to be this way.

We’re on a mission to set a new industry standard. One that goes beneath the surface of “clean” to bring your best skin forward.

When it comes to our products, scientific data drives every single ingredient choice. When we looked at allergen prevalence data, rates of irritant reactions, or toxicity data, these ingredients didn't make the cut. Because what you leave out is as important as what you put into the formulation...and if it's not hypoallergenic, it's not clean.

You can see the full list of ingredients that we say “No!” to, on our “VETTED No, No List”.

Don’t Gamble with Your Skin

At VETTED Dermlab, we believe clean skincare shouldn't be a gamble. We understand that one size doesn't fit all, especially when it comes to sensitive skin. That's why our board-certified dermatologists have developed a range of hypoallergenic products formulated with the gentlest yet most effective ingredients to address your unique skin concerns.

Safe, Effective and Luxurious Skincare

Whether you have sensitive skin or simply want to avoid potential irritants, VETTED Dermlab's hypoallergenic approach offers a safe and effective solution for achieving your healthiest skin.

Choosing VETTED Dermlab: Confidence in Every Bottle

At VETTED Dermlab, we don't just say "hypoallergenic," we live it. We believe in formulating products that are gentle yet effective, backed by science and dermatologist expertise. Our range caters to all skin types, offering cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and more, all free from harsh chemicals and potential irritants.

While "hypoallergenic" promises gentleness, the reality is often a confusing, unregulated landscape.

Personal care products and packaging are the #1 source of phthalate exposure. With that in mind, we made sure that our glass bottles are phthalate-free and our packaging is thoughtfully designed to enhance the beauty experience without compromising on its environmental impact. Our bottles and boxes are 100% recyclable.

Embrace the Journey to Healthy, Happy Skin Care

Understanding "hypoallergenic" and taking proactive steps to prioritize safe skincare can make a world of difference. Remember, your skin is a unique and precious asset. By becoming an informed consumer, utilizing patch testing, and choosing brands with a commitment to true hypoallergenic practices (like VETTED Dermlab!), you can embark on a journey towards healthy, radiant skin you can be confident in.

So, ditch the confusion and embrace the confidence that comes with informed skincare choices!

Unlocking Your Skin's Potential: The VETTED Dermlab Difference

By combining the power of science with a commitment to gentle formulations, VETTED Dermlab is here to empower you on your journey to younger-looking skin. We believe in providing effective solutions that are kind to your skin.

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